Tasting notes: Dark Chocolate, Toffee, Stonefruit
Locally roasted & packaging-free!
Radical Roasters - Credentials
- Great Taste Award Coffee Judge
- 2 x UK Barista Championship semi finalist
- 4th in UK Coffee Roasting Championships 2016
- SCA UK Sensory Coffee Judge 2017-19
- Certified Q Grader (equivalent to wine Sommelier)
Coffee Information:
- Grown by: Octavio Moguel Farrera at Finca Neuva Linda
- Region: Chipas, South-East Mexico
- Process: Natural Mountain Water Process
- Varietal: Catimor, Catuai, Caturra
The best tasting decaf I've ever come across! It's decaffinated using a completely natural process- Mountain Water Process
This unique non-chemical decaffeination process uses the clear pure waters from the highest mountain in Mexico, the Pico de Orizaba, known as Citlatepetl is the indigenous language.
The process works by immersing the green beans in water in order to extract the caffeine content. The water preserves the soluble flavour components of the green beans and this protects the original characteristics of the coffee.
In order to remove the caffeine from the water containing these soluble flavour elements, the water is passed through a filtration system. This produces a solution comprising the origin mountain water and the soluble coffee flavours, now free from caffeine.
The resulting green coffee is 99.9% caffeine-free. The beans are then dried to the required moisture content, packed and ready to export in 69kg bags. The Mountain Water Process is patented and is also organically certified in accordance with the regulations of OCIA, NOP and JAS. It is also Kosher certified.
Finca Nueva Linda began its life as a coffee farm in 1973. Founded by current owner Octavio Moguel Farrera, the farm occupies 638 hectares of extraordinary coffee growing land in a deep forest right next to Chiapas, Mexico’s El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. This zone – the Cuxtepeques Valley – is renowned for its coffee, and Finca Nueva Linda successfully lives up to this reputation, having won several internal Mexican quality contests and even placing 4th at the 2012 Mexico Cup of Excellence competition. Don Octavio has spent almost all his life working in coffee and is, according to many who know him, “the last of his kind.” He started as a driver working in a nearby coffee farm, and it is here that his love for coffee arose. His first goal was to
purchase a little land of his own where he could start growing coffee. With hard work and diligent savings, he succeeded in purchasing a good piece of land of reasonable size – Nueva Linda. As Don Octavio worked the land, establishing plots of coffee trees, he slowly began to acquire more and more of the land surrounding his initial purchase, eventually reaching the farm’s current size.
Today, Finca Nueva Linda occupies 638 hectares, 142 of which are given over to coffee production. Don Octavio produces only coffee here, despite only cultivating 22% of the land. He takes being part of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve as a significant responsibility and has placed 496 hectares under "voluntary conservation of estates". It is important to note that this conservation effort is entirely voluntary, as there is no document or law that requires this from farm owners in the area.
Radical Roasters Coffee - Finca Neuva Linda, Mexico - Decaffinated (100g)
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