- Tackles limescale
- Make your own descaler & shower clean
- Eco-friendly
- Biodegradable
- Dye free
- Vegan
- Plastic-free!
How to use:
Descale the kettle: Half fill kettle. Boil. Add 2 tsp. Stand until cool.
Descale the toilet: Add warm water to bowl. Add 2 tbsp. Leave for 1 hour & flush.
For bathroom cleaning: Add 1 tsp to 1 litre of water. Spray on. Leave for 30 seconds. Wipe off. Don't use on natural stone. Test on an inconspicuous area.
Contains: 100% citric acid
Please note that citric acid can become clumpy when exposed to air. It's fine to use - just break up with a spoon before use.
Citric Acid (100g)
If you know how much you would like to order, select a weight from the Weight dropdown, along with the required Quantity. For example, if you would like 300g, select 100g from the Weight dropdown and 3 for Quantity. The price shown will be what you are charged after delivery.
If you don't know the weight you require and simply would like your container filling, select Fill my container from the Weight dropdown. Add any additional instructions (for example, half-fill my container, fill to the blue line etc.) as required. The price will revert to £0 and you will be charged based on the actual weight after the delivery has been made.